Friday, September 24, 2010

Book Review: Glaen, by Fred Lybrand

Glaen: A Novel Message on Romance, Love and Relating

Glaen a Novel Message on Romance, Love, Dating and Relating, by Fred Lybrand is an extremely insightful book about romance.  Annie is in college when she learns that her parents are divorcing which of course, causes her to look more deeply into her relationships.

This is a book about learning how to succeed in love as well as marriage, and I think it also teaches the reader to learn more about his/herself.  Everyone in Annie's life seems to take on their relationships in a different way, wanting to learn more about relationships, Annie takes a class with Professor Glaen.  As the only student in class Annie finds herself learning, and looking deep for answers, Professor Glaen does not tell her the answers, but she has to dig to find them, as Annie digs and learns she becomes more comfortable with herself and with others.

I wasn't sure what to expect when I began to read this book, but I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to read and learn.  This isn't a step by step book by any means.  By using the character Annie, this book turns more into a story and as you read you learn.  As you learn, you think and as the process goes on you begin to realize how little things that you do and say, as well as how you act can make a big impact on your relationships.

I think this book is helpful for all types or relationships, not just love, but friendship as well.  I recommend this book to young adults as well as married couples, it truly is an enjoyable read and a great learning tool.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book to review from the B&B Media Group, I was not compensated in any other way for my honest opinion.


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